70MW Solar Power Project

70MW Solar Power Project

The Project is one of the projects under the Forum for China-Africa Corporation (FOCAC) and offers an opportunity to highlight how solar energy can be used to deliver reliable access to affordable electricity using modern renewable energy sources. A Chinese based contractor SINOMA-TBEA Consortium has been engaged to construct the 30MW solar project.

The project is under the direct supervision of Lesotho Electricity Generation Company (LEGCO).

Project Financing

Phase I (30MW) of the project is financed by a soft loan from EXIM Bank of China with total contribution of USD 70.188 million.  Lesotho Government Contribution to this project is estimated at M220 million which will cover the costs of land compensations valued around M57 million, Tax obligations as well as operating costs of Lesotho Electricity Generation Company (LEGCO).

Project Cost Breakdown

1 Photovoltaic Power Installation (30MW) 61.44% 295,826,564
2 Extension of Ramarothole Site Substation (132Kv) 8.03% 38,663,530
3 Ramarothole-Mazenod Transmission Line (55km) 23.60% 113,631,297
4 Mazenod Substation Extension 2.11% 10,159,408
5 Operation and Maintenance (3 years) 4.82% 23,207,748
Total 100.00% 481,488,548


70MW Solar Facility at Ramarothole

The government is implementing 70MW solar electricity generation project at Ramarothole in Mafeteng. The project is financed through a soft loan from EXIM Bank of China, as well as Lesotho’s in-kind contribution. The Project will provide reliable access to modern renewable energy sources which will be connected to the grid. The Project offers an opportunity to highlight how solar energy can be used to deliver high-quality electricity services quickly and affordably. A contractor (SINOMA-TBEA Consortium) has been engaged to oversee project implementation.

The project will be under the direct supervision of Lesotho Electricity Generation Company (LEGCO). The 70MW Ramarothole solar power project is planned to be implemented and built in two phases: Phase I: 30MWp with construction period of 18 months and Phase II: 40MWp to be completed in 2030. The country is currently implementing Phase I of the project which is envisaged to be completed in 2023. Through Phase I of the project a 30MW solar generation facility will be installed, 132 kV electricity sub-station will be erected and 55km transmission line will be developed transmitting electricity from Ha Ramarothole to Mazenod or Ha Mofoka where the electricity will be integrated into the national grid for distribution. Phase II will be implemented immediately upon successful completion of Phase I.

Project Launch

The Project was officially launched on the 16th December 2020 by the Right Honourable, The Prime Minister, Dr Moeletsi Majoro.


Project Area

The 70MW project production areas will occupy a total area of 1,700,000 m2 and this covers 64% of the 2,663,569 m2 of the total demarcated project land area.

  • Location: Ha-Ramarothole, Mafeteng,
  • The geographical coordinates: 8°S and 27.3°E
  • Site Elevation: 1,704m-1,760m
  • Average annual solar irradiation: 2111.1kWh/m2
  • Generating capacity: 1,498,521MWh for 25 years
  • Phase I (30MW): covers area of 469,765m2
  • Phase I Construction period: 18 months
  • Phased II estimated completion date: 2030

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